We are doing a special walk-through, class presentation design, rehearsal and those 'lucky' enough to be in LA tomorrow night can swing by, watch and who knows, even help!!! With Comments that is ;-)
No recordings, no streaming, as the real class will want to be the first!!! Going to AU2012? Sign up for this class by hitting the link: AB2965 - Coordinate and Dominate BIM Project Success
You will glean insights from:
Jay B
BIM Director focused on Transforming AECO's Viewpoints for Success.
No recordings, no streaming, as the real class will want to be the first!!! Going to AU2012? Sign up for this class by hitting the link: AB2965 - Coordinate and Dominate BIM Project Success
You will glean insights from:
BIM Director, early Revit adopter, respected Technology Expert.
BIM Director, early Revit adopter, respected Technology Expert.
BIM Director, Construction Technology Leader and AEC influencer.
BIM Director, Construction Technology Leader and AEC influencer.
BIM Director, Process and Technology Mentor and Modeling Breakthrough Artist.
BIM Director, Process and Technology Mentor and Modeling Breakthrough Artist.

BIM Director focused on Transforming AECO's Viewpoints for Success.
LARUG Consortium
Jay B Zallan | @JayZallan
Sgambelluri | @marcellosgamb
Troy Gates | @TroyGates
Joe Mendez | @jmendez_rtkl
Jennifer Storey | @Storeyjl
Elisa de Dios
| @dedios
Brian Andresen | @cadbimmanager