Friday, June 1, 2012

USCArchitecture BIMposiums Summer 2012

Friends of LARUG,
If you are planning on being (in) LA this Summer, or already are here ;-) then you should be aware of the #BIMposiums being presented by USC Architecture ...BTW: tweet them up @USCArchitecture

Now that you are aware we hope to see you there/here!!!

Several of LARUG's Leadership Consortium & #BIMmodelingFluffyKittenKillas_LA will be speaking at Practical BIM 2012 (Check them & all the presenters out, on J's Blog) There are many of our local & international friends and colleagues participating so the value of these will be fantastic!!!

Here's a copy of a correspondence from Karen; one of our favorite Professors at USC, inviting everyone to join in... See you in July!!!

PRACTICAL BIM 2012, Friday July 13, 2012.  The 6th Annual USC BIM Symposium.  Building Information Modeling in architecture, engineering and construction. Best practices and case studies in collaboration, implementation, training, analysis and programming.   Thirty-eight presentations in two simultaneous tracks, taught by people who actually do BIM. The emphasis this year is on practical solutions.   $25 Registration fee. AIA CEU: 7 units.   Speaker list attached below. Further information and registration are online at:

FACADE TECTONICS 8, June 28 - July 1, 2012.  Twenty-seven presentations over two full days (June 29-30), plus preconference meetings (June 28) and a post-conference walking tour of downtown Los Angeles facades (July 1).  Issues in the design, engineering, manufacturing, construction and operation of building enclosures. Materials, analysis, acoustics, case-studies, high-performance, design-processes, etc.  $195 Registration fee. AIA CEU: 10 units. Speaker list, further information and registration are online at:

EXECUTIVE EDUCATION: BIM AND PROCESS CHANGE: TESTED TECHNIQUES AND NEW INNOVATIONS.  Maximum of 25 participants.  Some of the most experienced BIM experts and practitioners in the Los Angeles area will present case studies to demonstrate how BIM works and what new innovations are being tested. You will also gain knowledge of client demands for BIM and review the open standards technology available for BIM and how it is being applied today.  $225 Registration fee. Includes breakfast, lunch and an evening networking reception. AIA CEU; 7 units.  Speaker list, further information and registration are online at:

Karen M. Kensek
School of Architecture
University of Southern California